Illinois State Council KofC Charities, Inc.

Illinois State Council KofC Charities, Inc. raises funds to support Newman Campus Ministry, programs that aide those with Intellectual Disabilities, Seminarian and vocations programs, Right to Life centers and activities, and to provide charitable assistance in time of disaster.

There is no official bill to councils for each charity fund.  While the goals for each council are voluntary, the funds go to support local and statewide charity initiatives.  We track the goals and progress for each council on the Charity Report that that can be found at the bottom of this page.  The Charity Report is updated monthly.

To submit donations to any of these charity funds, make a check out to Illinois State Council KofC Charities, Inc., write the name of the associated charity on the memo line and mail the check to the Illinois State Council Finance Office at PO Box 309, Palos Heights, IL 60463.  Donations can also be made online using the donation links on each charity's page.

According to the By-laws of Illinois State Knights of Columbus Charities, Inc. the Charity Year runs from July 1 - June 30.

To qualify for awards for the 2023-24 Fraternal Year, Charitable Goals must be met by March 31, 2025.

Charity Online Fundraising Pages

Visit our Charity Fundraising Landing Pages and connect your council to a charity goal today

Have you thought about leaving a Charitable Legacy?  Check out these links to learn more.

American Wheelchair Mission

American Wheelchair Mission
505 Anthem Village Drive, Suite E 602
Henderson, Nevada 89052
Tel: 702 580 0705
Fax: 702 580 5668


Ken Martinek - Charities Director

Charity Goals for 2024-25

• Charity Star Recognition Program

• Council Charity Ambassador Selection Form

• Charity Planning for the Fraternal Year

This Charity Planning Calendar will help you plan Charitable activities all through the fraternal year.

Is your Council a Charity Star?

We would like to recognize you and your Council for being a Charity Star this fraternal year!!!

Here is all you need to do:

Assign a Council Charity Ambassador (Use the online form at, on the Main Charity Page) Charity Ambassador must be registered no later than February 29, 2025 to qualify.

A. Meet a Minimum of 3 of your Charity Goals (Newman, ID, General Assistance, Pro- Life and Vocations).

B. Meet 4 of your Council Charity Goals

C. Meet all 5 of your Council Charity Goals

The Charity year, is July 1- June 30 each year. However, monies must be received at the State Office by March 31, 2025 to be considered for a convention award.  All qualifying councils will have pins awarded at the 2025 State Convention.

D. District Deputies with 3 or more Councils earning Charity Star Status

Charity Report Excel Spreadsheet as of February 1, 2025

2.1.25 CHARITY REPORT.xlsx