Public Relations
Sometimes it seems that the outstanding work we do as Knights for our Church and community is our best-kept secret. That is unfortunate, because these works would attract qualified men to join our Order and increase our ability to do good for others.
Public relations can be a very useful communications tool in letting people know what the Knights of Columbus is about and the good works that our members do.
The Supreme Council of the Knights of Columbus publishes a complete guide on Public Relations and Publicity for councils which can be found at:
Illinois State Council Public Relations Contest
Councils within the Illinois State jurisdiction have an opportunity to participate in three (3) separate public relations contests:
Council Newsletter Award Contest
Council Activity Scrapbook Award Contest
Council Community Public Relations Award Contest
All three contests will be judged, and the selected winners will be announced on the Sunday morning of the State Convention.
To submit entries to the council Newsletters and Scrapbook contest, simply bring your submissions to the State Convention by noon on the Saturday of the event.
To submit an entry in the Community Public Award Contest, simply mail or email your submission to the Public Relations and Newsletter Chairman no later than two weeks prior to the State Convention.
For all contests, be sure to include the Judging Criteria Form.
Specific Details on all three contests, along with the Judging Criteria Form, can be downloaded from the PDF file listed below.