Intellectual Disabilities

Mike Schnabel - Illinois Chairman North
Matt Piescinski - Illinois Chairman South

All ID Monies from 2023-24 fraternal year must be requested by November 30, 2024.  Please check your Prior Year Balance on the Charities Report and fill out a Disbursement Request Form if you have money available.  After December 1 these monies will no longer be available for distribution by councils.  Any questions should be directed to Denny at the State Office.

The Intellectual Disabilities or "Tootsie Roll" Fund Drive is one of the most recognizable activities that the Knights of Columbus do. The funds generated from this drive are used to support local programs which help people with special learning and life needs.

The Annual Drive will be held:

September 13-14-15, 2024

Can't schedule those dates in your community?

You are allowed to set up a different date for your ID Drive.  Be sure to let the State Office  and Chairmen know your plans so that the appropriate insurance certificates can be issued for your event.  Any other dates for Street Corner collections must be approved by the Charities Director.

Knights Columbus Flyer -Final Copy.pdf

As we begin the new Fraternal Year, we would like to share with you information we have so far concerning the upcoming ID Drive, and ask that you, in turn, please share it with the Councils within your area of responsibility.

1. The Schnucks Program is now up and running! There are 35 Illinois Schnucks Stores across 4 of our 6 dioceses who will welcome you to solicit at their front doors during the weekends of October 12th (COLUMBUS DAY!) and October 19th. You must be Insured through the Illinois State Council State Office before the fact, and you must secure your reservation by 30 September. Please contact Mr. South, Matt Piescinski at  PIESCINSKI@HOTMAIL.COM   (217-246-0814) to reserve your Schnucks weekend date. This is a bonus opportunity to help meet your ID goal!!

2. Order your candy ASAP! Use the new form found on the state website. You are ordering boxes with six [6] BAGS in them! The new form of candy is 14g/piece. The old form of candy was also 14g.  A bag targets fifty [50] pieces of candy, like the old bricks. The difference is that TRI retooled the factory, and this now is how the product. The cost is still at $19.50 a case

3.” By Resolution at the State Convention the dates were set at September 13-15, 2024. However, also by Resolution at the State Convention the Alternate dates are the remaining weekends in September 2024. That being said, should a Council elect to hold the ID Drive on another weekend in September that is perfectly fine and acceptable.”

4. Make sure all necessary insurance is requested and in place. Either through the General Liability policy for your council, or the Alternate $125 ID insurance policy. Either insurance policy allows you to do ID Drive activities throughout the entire year. ID is a year-long program!

5. Make sure also all your permissions from your individual municipalities are set.

The City of Chicago Charitable Solicitations Permit is now available. The Illinois Attorney General Letter is also available. Both are posted on the State website.

6. The ISC-K of C Charities Inc. has satisfied corporate WAL-MART’s new 501c3 charity verification requirements. However, they are now placing further requirements on local councils in order to seek reservations with your local store. We continue to work on resolving the issues for you.  As soon as a procedure is in place we will send out the new process to you in detail. While frustrating for all of us, this is again an example of Charities, Inc. being the 501c3 entity, and the local councils being agents of the 501c3.

7. Remember to attend the annual White Sox game vs the New York Yankees on August 13th. From every ticket sold, $5.00 goes to Illinois Special Olympics. The QR code to order tickets can be found on the State Website.


This past year has been “ONE FOR THE RECORD BOOKS”, and we are hoping that with your continued support, this upcoming year will achieve even greater heights. Let’s do this as always for God’s Special People


Mike Schnabel, ID Chairman - North

[773] 269-9084


Matt Piescinski, ID Chairman - South

[217] 246-0814


Run an Online ID Drive for Free

Your council can have it's own online webpage for raising ID funds that will be credited directly towards your council goal.  Click the above link to get started.

Share the link to your Council's page to as many people as you can.  A graphic on the right side of your page will help you keep track of your progress towards the goal.  If you need help, contact the State Office for assistance.

Online ID donations  ARE NOT to be reported on the COUNCIL REPORT OF INTELLECTUAL DISABILITIES FUND DRIVE. Only those funds collected through collections at street corners, store fronts, business solicitations and the like should be included on the  COUNCIL REPORT OF INTELLECTUAL DISABILITIES FUND DRIVE form.

Online donations are directly deposited into the Intellectual Disabilities Fund account, and are reported monthly on the State Charities Report which is posted on the State website. When a Council is ready to submit a REQUEST FOR DISTRIBUTION, please contact Denny Shook at or Dan Daemicke at and they will provide the council with the Total Amount Available for Distribution.

ID Forms

Fund Recipients

In order to be a reciepient of the funds generated by the Intellectual Disabilities Drive, Organizations must register with Illinois State Council Knights of Columbus Charities, Inc. and be recognized as a provider of qualified services for persons with intellectual disabilities. Please use the Fund Recipient Form to request approval of an organization to be eligible to receive ID funds.

Fund Recipient Application Form      PDF

Listing of Approved Charities for Fund Distribution  - Updated 10-12-23

Sponsorship Opportunity

The NASCAR Foundation has Partnered with Special Olympics Illinois to bring a Celebrity Golf Tournament hosted by Dale Jarrett to Harborside Golf Club in Chicago on July 5, 2024.  All proceeds will benefit Special Olympics Illinois through the NASCAR Foundation.  Several Levels of sponsorship are available that include 18 holes of golf, lunch with open bar, event gift, and opportunities for other prizes.

For more information click here.

ID Drive Logos

Color Version

Black And White Version

Download and use these logos for your ID Drive advertising.

Mission Statement

Other Opportunities

Check here for other opportunities to Support our ID Efforts and Special Olympics.

Collect on a Downtown Chicago Corner Flyer - updated 2024


Download Chicago Permit