123rd Illinois State Convention
May 28 - 30, 2021
at the Westin Lombard
70 Yorktown Center, Lombard, IL
Memorial Service

Leave No Neighbor Behind

Convention Highlights
Photo Gallery
Supreme Knight Patrick Kelly - Convention Address

Program Award Information
Worthy District Deputies and Grand Knights,
Over the past year, many Illinois Knights and Councils have responded to the Covid-19 pandemic and strengthened their Faith, served their Communities and Families, and demonstrated their commitment to supporting Life in all stages.
We need to share these great activities and are asking councils to report their deeds by submitting for State Programming Awards.
Please find attached information and forms for submitting State Convention State Programming Awards 2021. The attached Convention Programming Awards Letter outlines how to submit for Awards recognizing outstanding Programs, Families, Knights, and Councils. The required forms are also attached or referenced in the Convention Programming Awards letter.
Due Date: all submissions are due by April 15th.
Requirements to qualify for State Awards:
Must be compliant with Safe Environment requirements
Must be current with State Per Capita
Must be net positive in membership
If you have any questions, feel free to contact any of our State Program Directors or contact me by email or phone 773-640-4768.
Please consider serving as Catholic role models and inspire to not only Illinois Knights but also Knights of Columbus throughout our Order, by submitting your activities for consideration.
Convention Award Documents